Wood letters
Wood letters

We’ve already increased the atmospheric CO2 level by over 40% since the start of the industrial revolution. The dosage is fundamentally important, and so too is the rate of change. It would be akin to saying that salt poisoning is impossible because our bodies need salt to live. The fact that living beings require CO2 to survive does absolutely nothing to negate the fact that industrial-scale emissions of CO2 are a serious problem. IT’S LIKE THIS … I’d like to invite Paul Baumberg to think for a few seconds about his argument. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. It’s because the nonsense was rewarded by the provincial government.) If the editor views this essay as nonsense, then how is the extensive coverage of the matter justified? DICK VARLEY (Simple. What is one person’s nonsense is another person’s clarity. If the review panel had, at the very least, included qualified persons from the media, the results may have been different. Your subscribers rely on your ability to report the facts accurately. Competitive organizations have similar policies. You make judgment calls as to what is newsworthy. As an editor at the Sun, you make daily decisions on what will be printed in your newspaper. Having only five entrants with three winners seems suspicious to me.

wood letters

Therefore I question the qualification of persons who designed the competition. It appears that the contest was poorly designed and promoted. To withdraw this item from the contest because of content was blatant censorship. However, I wished to highlight the right of the individual to write of matters which may be offensive to some. 10, I did not say I agreed with the content of the award-winning essay. Don’t plan on going on an Easter or Christmas vacation, you won’t be able to afford it. If you plan on the ATA protecting you and attaining a cost-of-living raise or better working conditions, forget it, you’ll just be frustrated (see our last contract). Stevenson, go get a degree and join us in the trenches. There is no overtime or compensation for weekend work. I have a six-year post-secondary degree and a restaurant manager with no post-secondary education makes more money than I do. Most of my colleagues find part-time work during the summer. I get paid for the months I work and summer “vacation” is unpaid. I don’t have a fancy $70,000 truck or a cottage at the lake. We have no choice, we have to be a member or else most would opt out. Stevenson, I can tell you the majority of teachers think they are weak and ineffective. Is every provincial employee an NDP supporter? As for your views of the ATA, Mr. Having taught high school 31 years, I can absolutely tell you this is not the case.

wood letters

TEACHERS ARE INDIVIDUALS I find it amusing that Ray Stevenson thinks all teachers are NDP supporters.

  • 85 Comments Pictured is a classroom in Henry Wise Wood High School that could accommodate a cohort of up to 38 students on Friday, Aug.
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  • Wood letters